B-Team Studios is a grassroots indie production company founded by five ambitious Oregonians who honor authentic and creative filmmaking. From script to screen, we pride ourselves in our ability to respect the art of storytelling

Creatives should be the driving force of a project in order to not only continue the tradition of indie filmmaking, but push the industry towards artistry as well. Today, there isn’t nearly as much trust in the artist as there should be. We aim to bridge the gap between the suits upstairs and the scrappy believers.

B-Team is unbound by genre and interested in telling a vast array of stories. We believe there are masterpieces in everything from guts and gore to sweeping romance.

Andrew Paterson headshot

Andrew Paterson


Hazel Hering photo

Hazel Hering

Director of Production & Post Production

Joey Carlson photo

Joey Carlson


Zoe Hughes photo

Zoë Hughes

Head of Communications and Marketing

Zack Harris photo

Zack Harris

Head of Development


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